H.E.R Asia Summit 2019

Opening Remarks by Chairperson Renee Tan, Founder, Rendeur (H.E.R® Entrepreneur) Our chairperson Renee Tan introduced the topic of discussion: Digital transformation. She mentioned that juggling both work and family (during pregnancy) was certainly not an easy task but digital transformation enabled her to utilize technology Read More

7 Strategies to Generate Innovative Ideas for a Successful Business

How do organizations come up with new ideas? And how do they use those ideas to create successful new products, services, businesses, and solutions? The customer plays an important role in these strategies for strengthening the organizational idea factory. It only makes Read More

Getting insured $12M from Amazon – Acko

As a startup or SME, funding is usually one of the first few issues you face. Especially if there are plans for expansion. So after the first few investors that you’ve went through – friends, family and your first customers, you have Read More