HER entrepreneur

5 Pieces of Advice from Successful Female Entrepreneurs

The success stories of women entrepreneurs are aplenty, but the challenges faced by these women are rarely discussed. Although the number of women in business is rising steadily, many women are still plagued by challenges that they are struggling to overcome. Whether you’re thinking about running a business or simply need some inspiration in your entrepreneurial life, look no further!

In this article, we provide 5 pieces of advice from successful female entrepreneurs to help you overcome those challenges and steer your business in the right direction.


1. Know Where Your Market Is

Successful entrepreneurs know their target audience and where to reach them.  By focusing on a specific market and delivering them an exceptional product and service, you will be able to develop an impressive client list.
However, if you are unsure of your market, fret not. You can start by talking to your existing customers. Note down a list of questions and contact a few of your customers to get to know their responses. You can also send out a short poll to your mailing list to find out more about your target audience’s interests and wants on a wider scale.


2. Set Short-Term Goals

Keep your business running by taking small steps, such as partnering with local businesses, sending your customers/clients monthly marketing emails, and running timely events. 

If you happen to encounter any obstacles, be patient and refrain from stressing over your now-ruined 6-year plan. Begin your day by thinking about what small impactful action you can carry out to get your plans back on track.


3. Follow Your Instincts

When you realize that you have made some mistakes along the way in your business decisions, don’t let them slow you down. 

When you find yourself doubting your decisions, ability, or strength, remember that doing something is almost always better than doing nothing. Trust your gut feeling and don’t fear doing some trial and error. 


4. Lifelong Learning is Key

Make a commitment to education throughout your life. The secret to a successful business is to never get too comfortable. 
Change is the only constant in every industry. So, embrace new trends and don’t be intimidated by shifts in the market. Try out new ways to get your business be noticed in your community and online. 
If you feel that your business is showing no signs of improvements, look out for local workshops or networking events in your community and online. 

5. Never Quit

It is important to understand that you are not going to be able to win everyday. Sometimes, you may have given your best but still fall short of expectations.

But your refusal to give up will pave your way to success. Remember that success may not be exactly what you have imagined. And that’s okay. If you fail to take risks and relentlessly pursue your goals, you will never know your true potential. 


Do you wish to learn more tips from successful entrepreneurs? If so, then do attend our upcoming H.E.R Asia Summit happening on the 2-3rd October. The theme for this year will be on digital transformation and innovation to accelerate business growth. For more information, click here.

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