HER entrepreneur

The Not So Sexy Reality of Entrepreneurship – Reflection, Challenges & Tips from a Mummy Entrepreneur

The Not So Sexy Reality of Entrepreneurship – Reflection, Challenges & Tips from a Mummy Entrepreneur


2019 has been both challenging and fruitful at the same time, in fact, it’s the most eventful year for me.


It’s the year I planned to expand into a new market and launch the HER Malaysia Summit. But it was also the year we planned to have a 2nd baby.


I could have chosen to delay market expansion for this personal reason but I chose to stick to the plan and worked till the last day of pregnancy.


I went ahead with my milestones, set targets and hired people to get this going. 


I’ve decided to document my experience this year and also share with fellow mummy entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs starting a family or entrepreneurs-to-be on the potential challenges you might face and some of the tips to overcome it. 


Personal and business milestones this 2019:


There were really difficult moments amidst all these excitements. From talent management, time management, cross-border liaising, liaising with tech providers to super multi-tasking throughout the pregnancy and right after birth. 

What I planned for manpower also did not turn out the way I wanted. It was a moment of mind over body, as giving up was so easy to justify. I was drained, was physically still recuperating, but I had to take over tasks that cannot be fulfilled by others immediately. Confinement wasn’t exactly the way it should. There were several occasions where I had to multi-task with a baby on one arm, while typing with the other hand. Entertaining the older son, while nursing the baby, and at the same time getting work done. Working late hours while everyone’s asleep became a norm.

I told myself, things will get better after our milestones are completed and I will take a break. Decided to grit my teeth and get going.

For the ladies out there who would like to strike out on your own, here are some of the common challenges that you might face as an entrepreneur, and the tips and advice to overcome them.


Lonely journey


Multi-stakeholders management


Aligning life & biz milestones


Multi tasking 


Talent management 


Plans may not actualise


Surprises in new markets


Investors’ relation akin to courtship


Tips to overcome the challenges



Planning ahead


Acknowledge physical & mental limitations


Motivating & empowering others


P&L vs lost opportunity 






Resolution for 2020

My resolution would be to:

What’s yours?

Time is limited, there’s no best time for everything. 

Stars will never be aligned just like the traffic lights will not turn green at the same time. When the going gets tough, do remember that the plane flies against the wind, not with it.

Article written by Renee Tan, Founder, Rendeur, HER Entrepreneur

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