HER entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur Series – Rhonda Wong (Ohmyhome)

Who is She?

Rhonda Wong, Co-founder and CEO of Ohmyhome, which was founded in 2016. Rhonda and Race Wong, two siblings, founded Ohmyhome for property owners and renters in Singapore to connect with each other. Using the app, anyone in the city-state can buy, sell, or lease flats issued by the Housing Development Board without using middlemen. Ohmyhome charges lower fees than real estate agents, and provides its users with a step-by-step guide for managing the entire process by themselves. 

Rhonda’s know-how in the real estate sector brought to light the various issues home seekers face. Responsible for the overall management of the startup, Rhonda sets the culture of Ohmyhome revolving around empowering the HDB community to take care of their housing decisions by offering an honest, easy and free platform for HDB leases and resale transaction. 

What Motivated Her to Start Ohmyhome?

When friends and family who had difficulties in transacting their HDB came to her for help, it made her realize that the mass market sector could very well transact by themselves in a cost-free manner, if only they had the option to. All they needed was an app that simplified the entire process and allows them to connect with one another.

She then set out with her sister to make housing transactions simpler, faster and better, putting the control back in the hands of the buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords.

Singapore may be fortunate compared with other countries, but poverty and struggling families still exist here. There had been instances where where customers told Ohmyhome staff that thanks to mistakes they had made with property, they’d wound up having to live in tents at East Coast Park. It’s appalling stories like these that motivate Rhonda to help others.

Ohmyhome launched in 2016 and we’re proud and humbled by the positive responses. Till date, Ohmyhome has helped to simplify numerous housing transactions and have successfully transacted a combined value of more than S$460 million.


Challenges That She Faced

One of the biggest challenges she had faced was explaining the company’s offerings to the public. Their DIY free posting and fixed-rate agent were such fresh ideas that it took time to educate and convince users to understand that it is actually free to post, search and connect with homeowners.

Today, she has overcome much of the challenge by offering the best agent services at the best rates in town. According to Rhonda, word of mouth referrals is very powerful as she has successfully transacted more than 1000 homes with more than 200 5-star ratings on Facebook.



How Does She Manage Work and Family Commitments?

“Have a routine that you can truly commit to. It helps to have a routine and stick to it rather than play by ear because that results in procrastination, losing your sense of time and priorities.”

Do you wish to learn more tips about digitalization? If so, then do attend our upcoming H.E.R Malaysia Summit happening on 6th November. The theme for this year will be on digitalization and scaling up for business success. For more information, click here.

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